59A. Limitations on set off and carry forward of losses.
(1) omitted by the Finance Act, 2012
(2) omitted by the Finance Act, 2012
(3) In case of association of persons, any loss shall be set off or carried forward and set off only against the income of the association.
(4) Nothing contained in section 56, 57, 58 or 59 shall entitle —
(a) any member of an association of persons to set off any loss sustained by such association of persons, as the case may be, or have it carried forward and set off, against his income; or (b) any person who has succeeded, in such capacity, any other person carrying on any business or profession, otherwise than by inheritance, to carry forward and set off against his income, any loss sustained by such other person.
(a) any member of an association of persons to set off any loss sustained by such association of persons, as the case may be, or have it carried forward and set off, against his income; or
(b) any person who has succeeded, in such capacity, any other person carrying on any business or profession, otherwise than by inheritance, to carry forward and set off against his income, any loss sustained by such other person.
(5) Subject to sub-section (4) of section 57, sub-section (12) of section 22 and sub-section (6), where in computing the taxable income for any tax year, full effect cannot be given to the loss relating to deductions under section 22, 23, 24 or 25 owing to there being no profits or gains chargeable for that year or such profits or gains being less than the deduction, then, subject to sub-section (12) of section 22, and sub-section (6), the deduction or part of the deduction to which effect has not been given, as the case may be, shall be added to the amount of such deduction for the following year and be treated to be part of that deduction, or if there is no such deduction for that year, be treated to be the deduction for that year and so on for succeeding years.
(6) Where, under sub-section (5), deduction is also to be carried forward, effect shall first be given to the provisions of section 56 and sub-section (2) of section 58.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance, no loss which has not been assessed or determined in pursuance of an order made under section 59, 59A, 62, 63 or 65 of the repealed Ordinance or an order made or treated as made under section 120, 121 or 122 shall be carried forward and set off under section 57, sub-section (2) of section 58 or section 59.
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