Explanation of ITO Section 113C
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Alternative Corporate Tax.
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance, for tax year 2014 and onwards, tax payable by a company [in respect of income which is subject to tax under Division II of Part I of the First Schedule or minimum tax under any of the provisions of this Ordinance] shall be higher of the Corporate Tax or Alternative Corporate Tax.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(3) The sum equal to accounting income, less any amount to be excluded therefrom under sub-section (8), shall be treated as taxable income for the purpose of this section.
(4) The excess of Alternative Corporate Tax paid over the Corporate Tax payable for the tax year shall be carried forward and adjusted against the tax payable under Division II of Part I of the First Schedule, for the following year.
(5) If the excess tax, as mentioned in sub-section (4), is not wholly adjusted, the amount not adjusted shall be carried forward to the following tax year and adjusted as specified in sub-section (4) in that year, and so on, but the said excess cannot be carried forward to more than ten tax years immediately succeeding the tax year for which the excess was first computed.
Explanation. – For the purpose of this sub-section, the mechanism for adjustment of excess of Alternative Corporate Tax over Corporate Tax, specified in this section, shall not prejudice or affect the entitlement of the taxpayer regarding carrying forward and adjustment of minimum tax referred to in section 113 of this Ordinance.
(6) If Corporate Tax or Alternative Corporate Tax is enhanced or reduced as a result of any amendment, or as a result of any order under the Ordinance, the excess amount to be carried forward shall be reduced or enhanced accordingly.
(7) For the purposes of determining the “Accounting Income”, expenses shall be apportioned between the amount to be excluded from accounting income under sub-section (8) and the amount to be treated as taxable income under sub-section (2).
(8) The following amounts shall be excluded from accounting income for the purposes of computing Alternative Corporate Tax:
(9) The provisions of this section shall not apply to taxpayers chargeable to tax in accordance with the provisions contained in the Fourth, Fifth and Seventh Schedules.
(10) Tax credit under [sections 64B and] 65B shall be allowed against Alternative Corporate Tax.
(11) The Commissioner may make adjustments and proceed to compute accounting income as per historical accounting pattern after providing an opportunity of being heard.
Explanation. – For the removal of doubt, it is clarified that taxes paid or payable other than payable under Division II of Part I of the First Schedule shall remain payable in accordance with the mode or manner prescribed under the respective provisions of this Ordinance.
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