ITO Section 231B | Advance tax on motor vehicles. —

Text of ITO Section 231B

Advance tax on motor vehicles.

(1) Every motor vehicle registering authority of Excise and Taxation Department shall collect advance tax at the time of registration of a motor vehicle, at the rates specified in Division VII of Part IV of the First Schedule.
[Provided that no collection of advance tax under this sub-section shall be made after five years from the date of first registration as specified in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of sub-section (6).]

(1A) Every leasing company or a scheduled bank or a non-banking financial institution or an investment bank or a modaraba or a development finance institution, whether Shariah compliant or under conventional mode, at the time of leasing of a motor vehicle to a person whose name is not appearing in the active taxpayers’ list, either through ijara or otherwise, shall collect advance tax at the rate of four per cent of the value of the motor vehicle.

(2) Every motor vehicle registering authority of Excise and Taxation Department shall collect advance tax at the time of transfer of registration or ownership of a motor vehicle, at the rates specified in Division VII of Part IV of the First Schedule:
Provided that no collection of advance tax under this sub-section shall be made on transfer of vehicle after five years from the date of first registration in Pakistan.

(2A) Every motor vehicle registration authority of Excise and Taxation Department shall, at the time of registration, collect tax at the rates specified in Division VII of Part IV of the First Schedule, if the locally manufactured motor vehicle has been sold prior to registration by the person who originally purchased it from the local manufacturer.

(3) Every manufacturer of a motor vehicle shall collect, at the time of sale of a motor car or jeep, advance tax at the rate specified in Division VII of Part IV of the First Schedule from the person to whom such sale is made.

(4) Sub-section (1) shall not apply if a person produces evidence that tax under sub-section (3) in case of a locally manufactured vehicle or tax under section 148 in the case of imported vehicle was collected from the same person in respect of the same vehicle.

(5) The advance tax collected under this section shall be adjustable:
Provided that the provisions of this section shall not be applicable in the case of –
(a) the Federal Government;
(b) a Provincial Government;
(c) a Local Government;
(d) a foreign diplomat; or
(e) a diplomatic mission in Pakistan.

(6) For the purposes of this section the expression “date of first registration” means—
(a) the date of issuance of broad arrow number in case a vehicle is acquired from the Armed Forces of Pakistan;
(b) the date of registration by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in case the vehicle is acquired from a foreign diplomat or a diplomatic mission in Pakistan;
(c) the last day of the year of manufacture in case of acquisition of an unregistered vehicle from the Federal or a Provincial Government; and
(d) in all other cases the date of first registration by the Excise and Taxation Department.

(7) For the purpose of this section, motor vehicle includes car, caravan automobiles, jeep, limousine, pickup, sports utility vehicle, trucks, vans, wagon and any other automobile excluding—
(i) a motor vehicle used for public transportation, carriage of goods and agriculture machinery;
(ii) a rickshaw or a motorcycle rickshaw and
(iii) any other motor vehicle having engine capacity up to 200cc.


Explanation of ITO Section 231B

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