Special Judge, etc. to have exclusive jurisdiction.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance or in any other law for the time being in force, no:
(a) Court other than the Special Judge having jurisdiction, shall try an offence punishable under this Ordinance;
(b) Other court or officer, except in the manner and to the extent specifically provided for in this Ordinance, shall exercise any power, or perform any function under this Ordinance;
(c) Court, other than the High Court, shall entertain, hear or decide any application, petition, or appeal under Chapters XXXI and XXXII of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898), against or in respect of any order or direction made under this Ordinance; and
(d) No court, other than the Special Judge or the High Court, shall entertain any application or petition or pass any order or give any direction under Chapters XXXVII, XXXIX, XLIV, or XLV of the aforesaid Code.
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