International Centre of Tax Excellence.
(1) There shall be established an Institute to be known as International Centre of Tax Excellence.
(2) The functions of the Institute shall be to help contribute to the development of tax policy, prepare model national tax policy, deliver interdisciplinary research in tax administration and policy, international tax cooperation, revenue forecasting, conduct international seminars, workshops and conferences on the current issues faced by tax authorities in the field of international taxation, capacity building of Inland Revenue Officers, tax analysis, improve the design and delivery of tax administration for maximising revenue within existing provisions to close the tax gap or any other function as directed by the Board or the Federal Government.
(3) There shall be a Nominating Committee comprising the Minister-in-Charge, Secretary Revenue Division and Secretary Finance which shall be responsible for recommending a panel to the Federal Government for the appointment of an Executive Director and independent members of the Executive Committee.
(4) There shall be an Executive Committee comprising Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue, Member (IR-Policy), Member (IR-Operations) and two independent members to be appointed by the Federal Government. Executive Director shall act as Secretary of the Executive Committee.
(5) The Nominating Committee shall apply the prescribed criteria for making recommendations of the panel for Executive Director and independent members of the Executive Committee.
(6) Executive Director and independent members of the Executive Committee shall be appointed by the Federal Government.
(7) Executive Director shall also be the Chief Executive of the Institute and shall work to ensure efficient functioning and day to day administrative functions of the Institute and shall be independent in the discharge of its functions specified under sub-section (8).
(8) Executive Committee, for every fiscal year, shall assign the requirements of the Board to be undertaken by the Institute, during the year.
(9) The Executive Committee shall prescribe rules for recruitment of the employees of the Institute and Executive Director shall act in accordance with the rules. At least fifty per cent of the employees shall be serving Inland Revenue officers having at least 5 years of experience of tax policy or tax administration.
(10) The remuneration and term of employment of the employees of the Institute shall be as prescribed by the Federal Government.
(11) The Board may establish a committee to monitor the establishment of the Institute including appointment of the Project Director for the purpose.
(12) The Board may provide such data to the Institute as is necessary for processing and analysis and for discharging its obligations under sub-section (8): Provided that such data shall be anonymized before transmission to the Institute and identifying particulars of the taxpayers shall be kept confidential and provisions of sub-section (7) of section 216 shall apply accordingly.
(13) The Executive Committee may by notification in the official gazette make rules for carrying out the purposes of this section.
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