ITO Section 203 | Trial by Special Judge.

Text of ITO Section 203

Trial by Special Judge.

(1) The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, appoint as many Special Judges as it may consider necessary, and where it appoints more than one Special Judge, it shall specify in the notification the territorial limits within which each of them shall exercise jurisdiction:

Provided that the Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare that a special judge appointed under section 185 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969) shall have jurisdiction to try offences under this Ordinance.

(1A) A Special Judge shall be a person who is or has been a Sessions Judge and shall, on appointment, have the jurisdiction to try exclusively an offence punishable under this Part other than an offence referred to in section 198.

(1B) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898), except those of Chapter XXXVIII thereof, shall apply to the proceedings of the court of a Special Judge and, for the purposes of the said provisions, the court of Special Judge shall be deemed to be a Court of Sessions trying cases, and a person conducting prosecution before the court of a Special Judge shall be deemed to be a Public Prosecutor.

(2) A Special Judge shall take cognisance of, and have jurisdiction to try, an offence triable under sub-section (1) only upon a complaint in writing made by the Commissioner:

Provided that where the offence of concealment of income, which has resulted in non-payment of tax of rupees one hundred thousand or above in the case of a filer, and rupees twenty-five million or above in the case of a non-filer, the procedure provided in section 203B shall be applicable.

(3) The Federal Government may, by order in writing, direct the transfer, at any stage of the trial, of any case from the court of one Special Judge to the court of another Special Judge for disposal, whenever it appears to the Federal Government that such transfer shall promote the ends of justice or tend to the general convenience of parties or witnesses.

(4) In respect of a case transferred to a Special Judge by virtue of sub-section (1) or under sub-section (3), such Judge shall not, by reason of the said transfer, be bound to recall and record again any witness who has given evidence in the case before the transfer and may act on the evidence already recorded by or produced before the court which tried the case before the transfer.

Explanation of ITO Section 203

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