Explanation of PAHWW Section 5
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Powers of the Inquiry Committee
(1) The Inquiry Committee shall have power—
(a) to summon and enforce attendance of any person and examine them on oath;
(b) to require the discovery and production of any [documentary, audio or video evidence];
(c) to receive evidence on affidavits; and
(d) to record evidence.
(2) The Inquiry Committee shall have the power to inquire into matters of harassment under this Act, to get the complainant or the accused medically examined by an authorized doctor, if necessary, and may recommend appropriate penalty against the accused within the meaning of subsection (4) of section 4.
(3) The Inquiry Committee may recommend to [Ombudsperson] for appropriate action against the complainant if allegations leveled against the accused are found to be false and made with mala fide intentions.
(4) The Inquiry Committee can instruct to treat the proceedings confidential.
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