Making a false document:
A person is said to make a false document:
Explanation 1: A man's signature of his own name may amount to forgery. Illustrations (a) A signs his own name to a bill of exchange, intending that it may be believed that the bill was drawn by another person of the same name. A has committed forgery. (b) A writes the word "accepted" on a piece of paper and sings it with Z's name, in order that B may afterwards write on the paper a bill of exchange drawn by B upon Z, and negotiate the bill as though it had been accepted by Z. A is guilty of forgery; and if B, knowing the fact, draws the bill upon the paper pursuant to A’s intention, B is also guilty of forgery. (c) A picks up a bill of exchange payable to the order of a different person of the same name A endorses the bill in his own name, intending to cause it to be believed that it was endorsed by the person to whose order it was payable, here A has committed forgery. (d) A purchases an estate sold under execution of a decree against B. B after the seizure of the estate, in collusion With Z, executes a lease of the estate to Z at a nominal rent and for a long period and dates the lease six months prior to the seizure, with intent to defraud A, and to cause it to be believed that the lease was granted before the seizure. S, though he executes the lease in his own name, commits forgery by antedating it. (e) A, a trader, in anticipation of insolvency, lodges effects with B for A's benefit, and with intent to defraud his creditors and in order to give a colour to the transaction, writes a promissory-note binding himself to pay to B a sum for value received, and antedates that note, intending that it may be believed to have been made before A was on the point of insolvency. A has committed forgery under the first head of the definition.
Explanation 2: The making of a false document in the name of a fictitious person, intending it to be believed that the document was made by a real person, or in the name of a deceased person, intending it to be believed that the document was made by the person in his lifetime, may amount to forgery. Illustration A draws a bill of exchange upon a fictitious person, and fraudulently accepts the bill in the name of such fictitious person with intent to negotiate it. A commits forgery.
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