Charitable donations:
(1) A person shall be entitled to a tax credit in respect of any sum paid, or any property given by the person in the tax year as a donation to —
(a) any board of education or any university in Pakistan established by, or under, a Federal or a Provincial law; (b) any educational institution, hospital or relief fund established or run in Pakistan by Federal Government or a Provincial Government or a Local Government; or (c) any non-profit organization or any person eligible for tax credit under section 100C of this Ordinance; or (d) entities, organizations and funds mentioned in the Thirteenth Schedule to this Ordinance.
(2) The amount of a person’s tax credit allowed under sub-section (1) for a tax year shall be computed according to the following formula, namely:—
(A/B) x C where — A is the amount of tax assessed to the person for the tax year before allowance of any tax credit under this Part; B is the person’s taxable income for the tax year; and C is the lesser of —
(a) the total amount of the person’s donations referred to in sub-section (1) in the year, including the fair market value of any property given; or (b) where the person is — (i) an individual or association of persons, thirty per cent of the taxable income of the person for the year; or (ii) a company, twenty per cent of the taxable income of the person for the year.
(3) For the purposes of clause (a) of component C of the formula in sub-section (2), the fair market value of any property given shall be determined at the time it is given.
(4) A cash amount paid by a person as a donation shall be taken into account under clause (a) of component C of sub-section (2) only if it was paid by a crossed cheque drawn on a bank.
(5) The Board may make rules regulating the procedure of the grant of approval under sub-clause (c) of clause (36) of section 2 and any other matter connected with, or incidental to, the operation of this section.
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