Profit on debt, financial costs and lease payments.
(1) Subject to this Ordinance, a deduction shall be allowed for a tax year for —
(a) any profit on debt incurred by a person in the tax year to the extent that the proceeds or benefit of the debt have been used by the person for the purposes of business;
(b) any lease rental incurred by a person in the tax year to a scheduled bank, financial institution, an approved modaraba, an approved leasing company or a Special Purpose Vehicle on behalf of the Originator for an asset used by the person for the purposes of business;
[Provided that for the purpose of determining the deduction on account of lease rentals the cost of a passenger transport vehicle not paying for hire to the extent of principal amount shall not exceed two and a half million rupees;]
(c) any amount incurred by a person in the tax year to a modaraba or a participation term certificate holder for any funds borrowed and used by the person for the purposes of business;
(d) any amount incurred by a scheduled bank in the tax year to a person maintaining a profit or loss sharing account or a deposit with the bank as a distribution of profits by the bank in respect of the account or deposit;
(e) any amount incurred by the House Building Finance Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Corporation”) constituted under the House Building Finance Corporation Act, 1952 (XVIII of 1952), in the tax year to the State Bank of Pakistan (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) as the share of the Bank in the profits derived by the Corporation on its investment in property made under a scheme of partnership in profit and loss, where the investment is provided by the Bank under the House Building Finance Corporation (Issue and Redemption of Certificates) Regulations, 1982;
(f) any amount incurred by the National Development Leasing Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Corporation”) in the tax year to the State Bank of Pakistan (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) as the share of the Bank in the profits derived by the Corporation on its leasing operations financed out of a credit line provided by the Bank on a profit and loss sharing basis;
(g) any amount incurred by the Small and Medium Enterprises Bank (hereinafter referred to as “the SME Bank”) in the tax year to the State Bank of Pakistan (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) as the share of the Bank in the profits derived by the SME Bank on investments made in small business out of a credit line provided by the Bank on a profit and loss sharing basis;
(h) any amount incurred by a person in the tax year to a banking company under a scheme of musharika representing the bank’s share in the profits of the musharika;
(i) any amount incurred by a person in the tax year to a certificate holder under a musharika scheme approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Religious Board formed under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance, 1980 (XXXI of 1980) representing the certificate holder’s share in the profits of the musharika; or
(j) the financial cost of the securitization of receivables incurred by an Originator in the tax year from a Special Purpose Vehicle being the difference between the amount received by the Originator and the amount of receivables securitized from a Special Purpose Vehicle.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Ordinance, where any assets are transferred by an Originator, as a consequence of securitisation or issuance of sukuks, to a Special Purpose Vehicle, it shall be treated as a financing transaction irrespective of the method of accounting adopted by the Originator.
(3) In this section, —
“approved leasing company” means a leasing company approved by the Board for the purposes of clause (b) of sub-section (1); and
“approved modaraba” means a modaraba approved by the Board for the purposes of clause (b) of sub-section (1).
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