Pre-commencement expenditure.
(1) A person shall be allowed a deduction for any pre-commencement expenditure in accordance with this section.
(2) Pre-commencement expenditure shall be amortized on a straight-line basis at the rate specified in Part III of the Third Schedule.
(3) The total deductions allowed under this section in the current tax year and all previous tax years in respect of an amount of pre-commencement expenditure shall not exceed the amount of the expenditure.
(4) No deduction shall be allowed under this section where a deduction has been allowed under another section of this Ordinance for the entire amount of the pre-commencement expenditure in the tax year in which it is incurred.
(5) In this section, “pre-commencement expenditure” means any expenditure incurred before the commencement of a business wholly and exclusively to derive income chargeable to tax, including the cost of feasibility studies, construction of prototypes, and trial production activities, but shall not include any expenditure which is incurred in acquiring land, or which is depreciated or amortised under section 22 or 24.
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