ITO Section 209 | Jurisdiction of income tax authorities.

Text of ITO Section 209

Jurisdiction of income tax authorities. 

(1) Subject to this Ordinance, the Chief Commissioners, the Commissioners, and the Commissioners (Appeals) shall perform all or such functions and exercise all or such powers under this Ordinance as may be assigned to them in respect of such persons or classes of persons or such areas as the Board may direct:

Provided that the Board or the Chief Commissioner, as the case may be, may transfer jurisdiction in respect of cases or persons from one Commissioner to another.

(2) The Board or the Chief Commissioner may, by an order, confer upon or assign to any Officer of Inland Revenue all or any of the powers and functions conferred upon or assigned to the Commissioner under this Ordinance, in respect of any person or persons or classes of persons or areas as may be specified in the order;

Provided that the Board may also confer upon or assign to any Officer of Inland Revenue the aforesaid powers and functions through Automated Case Selection System:

Provided further that the Board may make rules for conferment or assignment of such powers and functions through Automated Case Selection System.

Explanation: For the purpose of this sub-section, the expression “Automated Case Selection System” means an algorithm for randomized allocation of cases by using suitable technological modes.

(3) An order under sub-section (2) by the Chief Commissioner shall be made only with the approval of the Board.

(4) The Officer of Inland Revenue referred to in sub-section (2) shall, for the purposes of this Ordinance, be treated as the Commissioner.

(5) Within the area assigned to him, the Commissioner shall have jurisdiction—
(a) in respect of any person carrying on business, if the person’s place of business is within such area, or where the business is carried on in more than one place, the person’s principal place of business is within such area; or
(b) in respect of any other person, if the person resides in such area.

(6) Where a question arises as to whether a Commissioner has jurisdiction over a person, the question shall be decided by the Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioners concerned and, if they are not in agreement, by the Board.

(7) No person shall call into question the jurisdiction of a Commissioner after that person has furnished a return of income to the Commissioner or, where the person has not furnished a return of income, after the time allowed by any notice served on the person for furnishing such return has expired.

(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, every Commissioner shall have all the powers conferred by, or under, this Ordinance on him in respect of any income arising within the area assigned to him.

(8A) The power to confer jurisdiction under this section shall include the power to transfer jurisdiction from one income tax authority to another.

(9) Where, in respect of any proceedings under this Ordinance, an income tax authority is succeeded by another, the succeeding authority may continue the proceedings from the stage it was left by that authority’s predecessor.

Explanation of ITO Section 209

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