181D. Business licence scheme.
(1) Every person engaged in any business, profession, or vocation shall be required to obtain and display a business licence as prescribed by the Board.
(2) Where a person fails to obtain a business licence under sub-section (1), the Commissioner may, in addition to and not in derogation of any punishment to which the person may be liable under this Ordinance or any other law, impose a fine of – (a) twenty thousand Rupees, in case of a taxpayer deriving income chargeable to tax under this Ordinance; or (b) five thousand Rupees, in all other cases.
(3) The Commissioner may, by an order in writing, cancel a business licence issued under sub-section (1) after providing an opportunity of being heard to the person, if – (a) such person fails to notify any change in particulars within thirty days of such charge; or (b) such person is convicted of any offence under any federal tax law.
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