ITO Section 165A | Furnishing of information by banks.

Text of ITO Section 165A

Furnishing of information by banks.

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force including but not limited to the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 (LVII of 1962), the Protection of Economic Reforms Act, 1992 (XII of 1992), the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947 (VII of 1947) and the regulations made under the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956 (XXXIII of 1956), if any, on the subject every banking company shall make arrangements to provide to the Board in the prescribed form and manner,—

(a) a list of persons containing particulars of cash withdrawals exceeding fifty thousand Rupees in a day and tax deductions thereon [,] aggregating to Rupees one million or more during each preceding calendar month.";
(b) a list containing particulars of deposits aggregating rupees [ten] million or more made during the preceding calendar month;
(c) a list of payments made by any person against bills raised in respect of a credit card issued to that person, aggregating to rupees [two] hundred thousand or more during the preceding calendar month;
(d) a list of persons receiving profit on debt [ ] [ ] and tax deductions thereon during preceding financial year; and

(e) omitted by the Finance Supplementary (Amendment) Act, 2018
(f) a list of persons containing particulars of their business accounts opened or re-designated during each preceding calendar month.

(2) Each banking company shall also make arrangements to nominate a senior officer at the head office to coordinate with the Board for provision of any information and documents in addition to those listed in sub-section (1), as may be required by the Board.

(3) The banking companies and their officers shall not be liable to any civil, criminal or disciplinary proceedings against them for furnishing information required under this Ordinance.

(4) Subject to section 216, all information received under this section shall be used only for tax purposes and kept confidential.

Explanation of ITO Section 165A

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