Settlement of transactions liable to Withholding Tax by SWAPS agents.
(1) Subject to the Ordinance, the Board may, by notification in the official gazette, notify any person or class of persons required to deduct or collect tax under the Ordinance to integrate with Synchronized Withholding Administration and Payment System and to act as SWAPS agent within the time and in the manner as may be prescribed.
(2) The tax collected or purported to be collected or deducted or purported to be deducted under the Ordinance by a notified SWAPS agent and credited to the Commissioner through digital mode, shall be treated to have been paid under section 160 of the Ordinance.
(3) Where tax has been paid by a notified SWAPS agent in accordance with sub-section (2) of this section, copy or number of SWAPS Payment Receipt (SPR) shall replace copy or number of Computerized Payment Receipts (CPR) for the purposes of the Ordinance.
(4) Any notified SWAPS agent shall not be eligible for tax credit under Part X of Chapter III of the Ordinance and exemption under any of the provisions of the Ordinance if notified SWAPS agent fails to integrate with Board.
(5) All persons from whom the tax has been collected or deducted by the notified SWAPS agents shall be eligible for credit of tax withheld against SPR issued by SWAPS Agent.
(6) All other provisions of the Ordinance, not specifically dealt with in this section, shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the notified SWAPS agents.
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