Exemption or lower rate certificate.
(1) Where the Commissioner is satisfied that an amount to which Division II or III of this Part or Chapter XII applies is –
(a) exempt from tax under this Ordinance; or (b) subject to tax at a rate lower than that specified in the First Schedule; or (c) is subject to hundred percent tax credit under this Ordinance,
the Commissioner shall, upon application in writing by the person, in the prescribed form, issue the person with an exemption or lower rate certificate:
Provided that in case of a company, the Commissioner shall issue exemption or lower rate certificate under this section within fifteen days of filing of application by the company:
Provided further that the Commissioner shall be deemed to have issued the exemption certificate upon the expiry of fifteen days from filing of application by the aforesaid company and the certificate shall be automatically processed and issued by Iris:
Provided also that the Commissioner may modify or cancel the certificate issued automatically by Iris on the basis of reasons to be recorded in writing after providing an opportunity of being heard.
(1A) The Commissioner shall, upon application from a person, in the prescribed form, whose income is not likely to be chargeable to tax under this Ordinance, issue exemption certificate for the profit on debt referred to in clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 151.
(2) A person required to collect advance tax under Division II of this Part or deduct tax from a payment under Division III of this Part or deduct or collect tax under Chapter XII shall collect or deduct the full amount of tax specified in Division II or III, or Chapter XII, as the case may be, unless there is in force a certificate issued under sub-section (1) relating to the collection or deduction of such tax, in which case the person shall comply with the certificate.
(3) Omitted by Finance Act, 2015
(4) IOmitted by Finance Act, 2015
(5) Omitted by Finance Act, 2015
(6) Notwithstanding omission of sub-sections (3), (4) and (5), any notification issued under the said sub-sections and for the time being in force, shall continue to remain in force, unless rescinded by the Board through notification in the official Gazette.
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