ITO Section 106 | Thin capitalisation.

Text of ITO Section 106

Thin capitalisation.

(1) Where a foreign-controlled resident company (other than a financial institution [or a banking company] [or a branch of a foreign company operating in Pakistan,] has a foreign debt-to-foreign equity ratio in excess of three to one at any time during a tax year, a deduction shall be disallowed for the profit on debt paid by the company in that year on that part of the debt which exceeds the three to one ratio.

(2) In this section, —

“foreign-controlled resident company” means a resident company in which fifty per cent or more of the underlying ownership of the company is held by a non-resident person (hereinafter referred to as the “foreign controller”) either alone or together with an associate or associates;

“foreign debt” in relation to a foreign-controlled resident company, means the greatest amount, at any time in a tax year, of the sum of the following amounts, namely: —

(a) The balance outstanding at that time on any debt obligation owed by the foreign-controlled resident company to a foreign controller or non-resident associate of the foreign controller on which profit on debt is payable which profit on debt is deductible to the foreign-controlled resident company and is not taxed under this Ordinance or is taxable at a rate lower than the [corporate rate] of tax applicable on assessment to the foreign controller or associate; and

(b) the balance outstanding at that time on any debt obligation owed by the foreign-controlled resident company to a person other than the foreign controller or an associate of the foreign controller where that person has a balance outstanding of a similar amount on a debt obligation owed by the person to the foreign controller or a non-resident associate of the foreign controller; and

“foreign equity” in relation to a foreign-controlled resident company and for a tax year, means the sum of the following amounts, namely: —

(a) The paid-up value of all shares in the company owned by the foreign controller or a non-resident associate of the foreign controller at the beginning of the tax year;

(b) so much of the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account of the company at the beginning of the tax year as the foreign controller or a non-resident associate would be entitled to if the company were wound up at that time; and

(c) so much of the accumulated profits and asset revaluation reserves of the company at the beginning of the tax year as the foreign controller or a non-resident associate of the foreign controller would be entitled to if the company were wound up at that time;

reduced by the sum of the following amounts, namely: —

(i) the balance outstanding at the beginning of the tax year on any debt obligation owed to the foreign-controlled resident company by the foreign controller or a non-resident associate of the foreign controller; and

(ii) where the foreign-controlled resident company has accumulated losses at the beginning of the tax year, the amount by which the return of capital to the foreign controller or non-resident associate of the foreign controller would be reduced by virtue of the losses if the company were wound up at that time.

Explanation of ITO Section 106

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