(1) If a person with sufficient means neglects or refuses to maintain:
a Magistrate of the first class may, upon proof of such neglect or refusal, order the individual to pay a monthly allowance for the maintenance of his wife or child. This amount, as decided by the Magistrate, shall not exceed four hundred rupees in total and must be paid to the person the Magistrate directs.
(2) The allowance shall be payable from:
(3) Enforcement of Order: If the individual fails to comply with the order without sufficient cause, the Magistrate may:
(4) A wife is not entitled to maintenance if:
(5) Cancellation of Order: On proof that:
the Magistrate shall cancel the order.
(6) Evidence: All evidence under this Chapter shall be taken:
Evidence must be recorded in the manner prescribed for summons cases.
Proviso: If the Magistrate is satisfied that the individual is wilfully avoiding service or neglects to attend the Court, the Magistrate may proceed to hear and determine the case ex-parte.
Orders made ex-parte may be set aside upon a good cause shown, provided an application is made within three months of the order date.
(7) Costs: The Court, while dealing with applications under this section, shall have the power to make such orders as to costs as it deems just.
(8) Jurisdiction: Proceedings under this section may be taken against any person in any district where:
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