Rule 1. Who may be joined as plaintiffs. All persons may be joined in one suit as plaintiffs if they allege a right to relief from the same act, transaction, or series of transactions, whether jointly, severally, or in the alternative, and if common questions of law or fact would arise in separate suits.
Rule 2. Power of Court to order separate trials. The Court may order separate trials or put plaintiffs to their election if joinder of plaintiffs may embarrass or delay the trial.
Rule 3. Who may be joined as defendants. All persons may be joined as defendants if they are alleged to have a right to relief from the same act, transaction, or series of transactions, and common questions of law or fact would arise if separate suits were brought.
Rule 4. Court may give judgment for or against one or more of joint parties. Judgment can be given for or against any of the plaintiffs or defendants based on their respective liabilities without needing an amendment.
Rule 5. Defendant need not be interested in all the relief claimed. It is not necessary for every defendant to be interested in all the relief claimed in a suit against them.
Rule 6. Joinder of parties liable on same contract. The plaintiff may join as parties all persons jointly or severally liable on the same contract in the same suit, including parties to bills of exchange, promissory notes, and hundis.
Rule 7. When plaintiff in doubt from whom redress is to be sought. If the plaintiff is unsure about the person from whom redress is to be obtained, they may join two or more defendants to determine which defendant is liable.
Rule 8. One person may sue or defend on behalf of all in same interest. Where there are numerous persons with the same interest in a suit, one or more persons may sue or defend on their behalf with the Court's permission. The Court will notify the other interested persons about the suit, either by personal service or public advertisement.
Rule 9. Misjoinder and non-joinder. A suit will not be defeated due to the misjoinder or non-joinder of parties. The Court may proceed with the matter regarding the rights and interests of the parties present.
Rule 10. Suit in name of wrong plaintiff. If a suit is filed in the name of the wrong person, the Court may, at any stage of the suit, order substitution or addition of the correct plaintiff, provided the mistake is bona fide and necessary for determining the real matter in dispute.
Rule 11. Conduct of suit. The Court may appoint any person it deems appropriate to take conduct of the suit.
Rule 12. Appearance of one of several plaintiffs or defendants for others. Any one or more plaintiffs or defendants may be authorized in writing by another party to represent them in any proceeding. The authorization must be signed by the party giving it and filed in Court.
Rule 13. Objections as to non-joinder or misjoinder. Objections regarding non-joinder or misjoinder of parties should be raised at the earliest opportunity, specifically before issues are settled. If not raised at that time, the objection is deemed to be waived.
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