CPC Section 27-A | Process of Summons

Text of CPC Section 27-A

Section 27-A. Process of summons.

(1) The summons shall be issued simultaneously, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, to the defendant, by registered post acknowledgment due and another copy of the summons by courier service signed and sealed in such manner as may be prescribed, or as the Court may determine, by urgent mail service of Pakistan Post, at the expense of the plaintiff.

(2) The Court shall order simultaneous service by–
(a) affixing a copy of the summons at some conspicuous part of the house in which the defendant is known to have last resided or carried on business or personally worked for gain;
(b) any modern device including electronic device of communication which may include mobile, telephone, telegram, phonogram, telex, fax, radio, television etc. in the prescribed manner;
(c) urgent mail service or public courier services;
(d) publication in the press in the prescribed manner; and
(g) any other manner or mode as it may deem fit.

(3) Location of the process server serving the summons shall be monitored by modern devices in the prescribed manner, and the process server shall take photograph of the defendant or the premises or the person accepting service of summons on behalf of the defendant, which shall be made part of the record as a proof of service of the process.

Explanation of CPC Section 27-A

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